Tishrei- Praying for Motherhood, Praying for All
The Tishrei podcast is full of great new content on infertility, contraception and the positive influence of women answering halakhic questions in taharat hamishpacha. First, Karen shares Torah thoughts on why the theme of infertility and motherhood appear prominently in the tefillot of Rosh Hashana.
Second, Karen interviews Rabbanit Chana Henkin and Atara Eis about the recent publication of the English translation of Nishmat Habayit, responsa by yoatzot Halacha and their partnership on Eden's recent publication of Birkat Emunah, a resource for couples facing infertility and loss.
You can receive a copy of Birkat Emunah at www.theEdenCenter.com/emuna2021
This podcast has been sponsored by Mindy and Marc Dickler in memory of their dear friend, Amy Ackerson A’H
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