Tevet and Tahara - Honoring Women of the Chevra Kadisha Toward 10 B'Tevet
In honor of Yom HaKadish HaKlali on 10 B'Tevet, Karen Miller Jackson shares Torah thoughts on the nature of Jewish mourning, and interviews Sally Berkovic, author of Death Duties: The Chevra Kadisha Jewish Burial Society, on her experience working for the Chevra Kadisha. They discuss ways that women memorialize their loved ones, highlight Holocaust remembrance on Yom HaKadish HaKlali, and examine parallels between the tahara before death and the nature of tahara in mikveh practice.
The Tevet podcast is sponsored by Yaffa Zweig and family. In loving memory of her mother Kaye Zweig (חייה טובה בת ישראל ובתיה) to mark her Yahrzeit on ז’ טבת.
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*In the UK via Fishburn Books - https://tinyurl.com/42xpatc3