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Cheshvan: Coping in Challenging Times for Israel

In light of the war in Israel, this month Karen looks to Parshat Noah for Torah thoughts on how to remain optimistic in the face of unbearable loss and destruction. Then, Karen interviews Dr. Bella Schanzer, an experienced psychiatrist, who provides valuable guidance about coping with anxiety brought on by the war in Israel. This includes practical advice about caring for ourselves and our families, as well as specific thoughts directed towards mothers/parents of chayalim.
This month's podcast is dedicated to the safe return of our soldiers and prayers for healing of all those wounded or missing. Yet, amid the darkness, we see hope and continuity as soldiers and young couples continue to get married. On that note, this podcast is also sponsored in honor of Lauren Ostrofsky's wedding. May Hashem provide us with strength and bring all of Am Yisrael back to days of joy.

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